01 July 2011

Juan Williams -- my liberal hero

I can count on two fingers the number of talking heads who call themselves 'liberal' and/or 'democrat' that I think are worthy of paying attention to. Juan Williams is one of them (guess who the other is?).

In this piece at foxnews.com, although he doesn't intend it, he describes the exact reason I give so few people in that camp any credence. In short: they have become the religious-right extremist kooks that they believe themselves to be the Paladin army against... not in specifics but in methodology.

I don't agree with Williams most of the time, but at least he has the intelligence to make a coherent point, and the respect and understanding to address his opponents' viewpoints directly.

Go, VDH!

Victor Davis Hanson has a nice piece at National Review about the (all-too-predictable) self-destruction of the liberal nanny-state, here and around the world.